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Videos related to IROS 2023 Task and Motion Planning Workshop submission: 

Next-Best-View-based Task and Motion Planning for Autonomous Photography & Inspection
Shijie Gao, Lauren Bramblett, and Nicola Bezzo
University of Virginia

MATLAB Task Planning App Demo

MATLAB Simulations

UAV 2D inspection task with obstacles

our NBV approach

UAV 3D inspection task with obstacles

our NBV approach


UAV 2D inspection task without obstacles

our NBV approach

UAV 2D inspection task with obstacles

our NBV approach

normal cameral view

UGV 2D inspection task with obstacles

our NBV approach

our NBV approach -- slash-shaped obstacle

normal cameral view -- slash-shaped obstacle

UAV 3D inspection task with obstacles

our NBV approach

Should you have any questions, please feel free to contact the corresponding author:


Shijie Gao
Department of Electrical and Computer Engineering, University of Virginia,
Charlottesville, VA, USA

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